Jedenáctero správného Vlčete. / Eleven Activities of the Right Cub.

Jedenáctero správného Vlčete. / Eleven Activities of the Right Cub.

The cube passes through every puddle in every weather.

Cub climbs on every tree, rock, construction, goes into every hole, pipe,

Cub is the most active after dinner.

Cub always finds a reason why he can not do the job or not.

Cubs are always on the march, on the march, unleashing each other, every ten yards of shoe laces.

Cub likes to crush tea, cocoa, and other beverage, especially when it’s in costume.

Cub must touch the hot stove stones to find that it burns.

Cub likes to run with an open knife in his hand.

Cub explores the kerosene until it becomes mysteriously unusable.

Cub is for every joke, especially when it concerns other brothers.

Cub is the most amazing creature in the section.

Picture of: Cub scouts sing / wikipedia

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