Ptačí krmítko. / Bird feeder.

Ptačí krmítko. / Bird feeder.

Time to think of singer birds.
Simple feeder, you can make it without your parents.
Each of us likes to eat ice cream, and most of the time we’re left with it. We can either recharge or ask a few of them in the store.
It is also possible to replace the wood with other similar ones. Parents or relatives will certainly help in this.
His creation will be a little longer, but the subsequent observation of birds will bring a rich result.

What will we need:
Sticks of „Ice lolly“.
Water-resistant glue – rain, snow.
String for hanging feeder.
Goodies for birds.

We start by gluing the base of the feeder. Photo hints.

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A zde malý návod na stavbu Ptačí budky.
And here’s a little guide to building a birdhouse.