Výroba troudu pro křesání. / Production of a squirrel.

Výroba troudu pro křesání. / Production of a squirrel.

One way of making a squad, for killing.

We need a tin box and an old cotton cloth. Shirts, handkerchief, t-shirt, etc.
We need to cover the lid with a nail.
Cut bits of cotton and put it in a tin box.
Put it on a gas stove or in a fire. A stream of smoke rises from the opening.
If the stove is in the building, it must be ventilated.
If the stream of smoke from the hole does not rise, it is still done.
But it depends on our estimation and experience. The tin must remain a charcoal, capable of smoldering.
After the spark has sprung up and caught her in the troupe, she is smoldering.
Its temperature can reach up to 1000 degrees Celsius.
We have to dispose of it carefully. Easily ignites Březová bark and needles, or other flammable.
Taken from the site: http://apenasdesbravador.blogspot.cz/








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