Odborka ASTRONOMIE. / Astronomy – Merit Badges

Odborka ASTRONOMIE. / Astronomy – Merit Badges

Vlastní odborka je bez vypsaných odpovědí, zde je pouze studijní materiál a stručné odpovědi, které se mohou děti naučit.     

The subject itself has no answers, here is only the study material and brief answers that the children can learn.

Discovery Rangers – Astronomie – Astronomy – Merit Badges by VítězslavČermák on Scribd

Explain to everyone, or at home, to parents and siblings. Write briefly.

Write down what astronomy is and name two important astronomers.
Astronomy is a science dealing with phenomena beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, exploring bodies, systems, processes and the entire universe.

For example: Tycho De Brahe – Danish, Giordano Bruno – Italian, Nicholas Copernicus – Polish

What are they:
Moon moons: natural planets without their own energy source
For example: Moon on planet Earth, Phobos and Deimos on planet Mars

Stars: An object that has a constant self-visible radiation source.
For example: Sun at planet Earth

Comets: bodies of dust, ice, and solids orbiting an elliptical orbit around the Sun.
For example: Halley’s comet

Asteroids: an earlier designation of asteroids, bodies of solid material traveling through space or orbiting the Sun. They do not have their own energy source.

Meteors .: a phenomenon of light in the sky as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere.

Meteorites .: bodies that have passed through the Earth’s atmosphere and hit the Earth.

Solar system: a system of planets orbiting the Sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (Ceres), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto, Eris) – Dwarf planets are shown in brackets.

Galaxy: A system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar matter, dust, dark matter, and other matter and solid bodies.
For example: Milky Galaxy, Alpha Centauri, and more.

What is the Light Year:
The distance traveled by the light in one calendar year. About 10 trillion kilometers.
The speed of light is about 300,000,000 m / s = 300,000 km / s

What is the nearest star, galaxy:
The nearest star is the Sun, the nearest galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy, the constellation Andromeda.

What is the constellation:
The constellation is a well-defined area in the sky. It may take the form of a mythical figure.
For example: Orion, Big Dipper, Kasiopea, Sagittarius and more.

Name the four constellations and identify them in the sky. (confirmed by teacher or parent or supervisor)

Big truck and Small truck. Orion
Determine by the North, find the Polar. Severku. Večernici:
Do, execute, develop a project: (at least one)

Use a small telescope or binoculars to watch the moon on three independent nights. Observe at least 2 hours at different night time.
Make a written observation, attach handwritten drawings, or take a macro (large) photograph of the Moon. Present your observations – show, say – in class with your classmates, or in a group, in your family.

Made of clutches and diffusers (magnifying glasses – magnifying glasses) simple binoculars.
Instructions can be found on the Internet .: www.atana.unas.cz

Find three references in the Scripture – the Bible concerning stars, planets, galaxies, space, the sun.
References and Explain – Explain in your words at a meeting, or at school, in the family.

Marek 1/32
In the evening after sunset, all the sick and obsessed brought him to him.

Marek 4/6
When the sun rose, they burned them and, having no root, dried up.

Psalm 72/5
Long live for all generations as long as the sun and moon last.