Přístřešky / Shelters

Přístřešky / Shelters

Přístřešky, šeltry a jiné nouzové bivaky.
Budujte – trénujte, jejich stavbu v pohodovém počasí, letních prázdnin.
Shelters, beetles and other emergency bivouacs.
Build – train, build in cool weather, summer holidays.

Shelters, beetles and other emergency bivouacs.
Build – train, build in cool weather, summer holidays.

If you are in a difficult situation when there is not much time left to return to camp or chat. You still have time to build an emergency shelter. But what prevents it?
Knowing where I’m going and how long my trip will take will count the time margin.
I wear the appropriate outfit and the clothes I wear to adjust the weather and the expected time of stay in the countryside.
I’ll get to know the weather forecast beforehand. This is not a problem at present.

And yet, once, I can get into a situation where I have to build a shelter,
to make the most of my unplanned night stay.

How to do this can be read from many books and manuals. Their own experience is over gold. Even such a structure,
in summer camps we can also behave like a game. And not just in the camps.

We will choose the best place in the daylight. He will not be on the top of the mountains, nor will he be in a deep valley. He will not be in the river of dry rivers. I will not place it where wetland is, we know it by wetland plants. If you do not know such „flowers“, you just have to look around. Fresh plants signify damp soil.

We will choose a straight, dry place in leeward or shade. We will clean out twigs, stones, and other natural things that could make us uncomfortable with the night.
Let dry leaves, 8 – 10 cm in the area to be inhabited. We can use branches of coniferous trees, dry grass.
Then we put a shelter in our own building. See more pictures:

Zdroj informací + vlastní zkušenost:
Information source + own experience:

http://www.boyslife.org www.facebook.com/cadernodochefeescoteiro
