Tábor ve spálené zemi. Rok 2014. Svázání kroniky z volných listů.
Zde drobný náhled na krásný materiál.
Camp in burned country. Year 2014. Binding the Chronicle of the Leaves.
I was given the Honor, to participate again in the enhancement of the partition library, the treasure chest. Tourist section of the Youth – Stars of the North of Brno.
The Tábor Chronicle from 2014 will be given a strong link.
Here’s a tiny preview of beautiful material.
Camp in Burned Earth. Year 2014.
Joyful tanning at the camp of the North Stars of Brno. The backs have already been made and folds become loose. 3D – Inserted posts are edited so as not to damage the pages. Even 50% of the records, chronicles, are fixed and are like new ones.
What will bring next working time?
Více obrázků najdete na webovém portálu RAJČE. Odkaz uveden níže.
More pictures can be found on the TOMATO web portal. The link below.